C.O'D Decorative Painting
Call (603) 672-3104
for your free estimate
Serving Southern NH, Massachusetts, and Maine

Hosta Leaf

Gingko Leaf

Fig Leaf Photo

Maple Leaf Photo

Oak Leaf

Fern Leaf

Children's Rooms- My fun work days!         

Dungeons and Dragons Fans Unite over this Teen's Edgy Bedroom Mural!

Dragon Mural

The Nursery Murals painted below are in honor of the client's favorite illustrators including Shel Silv3rstein, Raold Dah1, Bill Waters0n, and Charlie Mack3ry.

The Boy, the M0le, the Fox, and the Horse


Avocado Baby

Runaway Bunny Momma

Calvin, Hobbes, and Mr Fox

A Camo Pattern is another Great Teen option! Shades of Khaki are great for the boys. Camouflage can also be done in Grays and Pink or Aqua for girls. (Below)


Animals are great for boys and girls and last well into their teens.


Whether kids want to be in the Ocean, the Jungle, or out on the Plains...there are easy solutions to personalize their rooms.




A tree with leopards hides a dormered ceiling. Left






                    Animal Babies Right




Nurseries made cozy with

popular characters like

Peter Rabbit and

Winnie the Pooh

Babies love animals over their crib or changing table!

Farm Scene

Vignettes are great to save time and money!


A dancer jumps with her satin ribbon and roses flowing around the room for a simple whole room mural.





An odd wall is hidden with a

trompe l'oeuil painting of a cabinet. 







Babar and friends Above





Curious George Below


Full room wall mural of Flowers, Frogs, Bugs, and Bird Houses. Above



Poodles dressed for shopping-image from bedroom fabric.



Another match to fabric (see the pillows) for whimsical Rain forest Animals.



Airbrushed with 3 blues for a mural you can hang posters on.



NFL Football Helmets make for a great boy's room deco- border.





Anything is possible...even

Spidey and the Green Hornet.